The Ambassador of Burundi to India based in New Delhi, Aloys Bizindavyi, presented, on tuesday 26, to the Singaporean President, Tharman Shanmugaratnam his credentials accrediting him as Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the republic of Burundi to Singapore. Singapore is a state located in South Asia that has remarkable political stability with a very advanced digital ecosystem.
Asked by TIC-Actualité on what Burundi will benefit from this new formalized relationship between Burundi and Singapore in terms of development of the digital economy, the new ambassador of Burundi to this country, Aloys Bizindamvyi replied in these words: “Singapore is not only excellent in the digital field, but it is taken as a model in economic development on the international chessboard. We therefore intend to take advantage of this cooperation to draw lessons that could advance our country in its vision, Burundi emerging in 2040 and developed in 2060, including of course the field of the digital economy”
As a reminder, this accreditation of a representative of the republic of Burundi in Singapore comes a few months after the meeting organized by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and development cooperation of Burundi, Ambassador Albert Shingiro and his Singaporean counterpart. It was on the sidelines of the United nations general assembly last september.
Burundi is likely to be inspired by this island which, in the space of 50 years, has gone from a city-state through a less developed country to its culmination in a country that is now full of the best things to do and see in the world. Burundian citizens can already take advantage of the short-term visa waiver policy undertaken between the two countries.